Nerves and muscles - Side effect to cancer treatment
Chemotherapy may affect your nerves and muscles.
The symptoms are usually temporary and rarely severe, but it can take up to a year before the altered sensations disappear completely, and for some people the issue will be of a permanent nature.
Numbness and tingling (”pins and needles”) in fingers and toes
A sensation of walking on cotton wool
Numbness in your fingers may make it difficult for you to e.g. button up buttons, pick up small things, write by hand and use a keyboard
It may be difficult to feel pain or pressure, and whether things are hot or cold
Certain treatments can give you temporary flu-like symptoms such as sore joints and muscles
You may experience soreness, pain and muscle weakness - particularly in the legs
Walking and keeping your balance can be difficult if you experience numbness in your toes and muscle weakness in your legs
Pay extra attention when walking on stairs, and be aware of door steps, loose rugs and electrical cables
You may experience discomfort or even pain when wearing shoes
What you can do
Symptoms can get worse in cold weather.
For example when peeling potatoes and preparing vegetables.
Check the water temperature with your elbow before having a shower or bath.
Use oven gloves when cooking.
Use a non-slip bath mat in the bathroom to avoid slipping on the floor.
Remove loose rugs and electrical cables to avoid stumbling over them
Do not walk around with bare feet
Wear shoes with rubber soles to stand firm on your feet
This may help to alleviate pain in your feet.
Get a foot massage to alleviate pain
Consider seeing a chiropodist regularly
Be careful when using sharp tools, e.g. knives and scissors
Wear gloves when gardening
Use painkillers if your muscles and joints hurt
Exercise can help maintain muscle strength and coordination ability
In case of any questions. Please contact the Oncology Department. Telephone number are on your contact card., or go to: